Bar #8 Looking Glass Lounge
On the outside this place looked a bit run down, but once we stepped in, the interior was much nicer than expected. Being as the place is named “Looking Glass,” I expected there to be mirrors and glass everywhere. Much to my disappointment, they don’t live up to their name. The place was incredibly well-lit (not necessarily a good thing), and there was a DJ spinning pounding techno. This was a huge surprise to me, considering that the bar sits in the middle of the Petworth neighborhood.
We quickly ducked downstairs and headed out to the deck. This is the highlight of this bar. They have a spacious patio that is a welcome sight on a nice spring night. Although it is a fairly intimate setting there are several picnic tables which offered seating and seemed to hold a good number of people. Although the deck was nice I couldn’t help but to feel that I was standing in a roach motel. The little buggers were everywhere. Creeping, crawling and freaking me out. Each patron who goes out there should be outfitted with a can of Raid.
This was probably the first bar where we really engaged the patrons and I must admit that the people we met helped to make the venue better. They were friendly and funny and kicked it with us for some time. One of our new friends informed Gin Kitten that she had DSL’s (dick sucking lips). Unable to hide her outrage at this comment she stormed off. Her anger was abated when one of the other guys informed her that they were gay.
This is where the night starts to head downhill. Someone had declared war and the shots started arriving in waves. Never one to back down from a fight we dug our heels in and tried to weather the storm. For what seemed like days the battle waged. I thought that J put it well; “I hate and love whoever started buying a round of shots every 10 fucking minutes while here.” After about an hour of this we were all well done. In fact we were drunk enough that J thought that he heard a guy with a Mississippi accent speaking German. I’d say that this memory is incorrect but I was in such bad shape that I couldn’t formulate a complete thought.
Any group of intelligent people would have called it quits at this point but we knew that we had one more bar to check out so, along with our new friends, we soldiered on.
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