Bar #12: Fado’s
Time: Friday 11:15
- $5.50 Miller
- $6.50 decent
- $6.50 rail
Clientèle: Patrons complaining about DC’s lack of a “real Irish bar.” (then again, you’ll find this in ANY Irish-themed bar).
Before I get into this I must state that I hate Irish bars. It’s not that I don’t like the Irish. In fact some of my best friends are of Irish descent (LMAO). It’s simply that I don’t understand the fascination with Irish bars. Did they invent bars? What’s weird is that every time I’m in one of these bars I hear people complaining about the lack of “authentic” Irish bars. What the fuck is an authentic Irish bar? The vast majority of the ones that I’ve been to are generic and lack character. But somehow they are all over the fucking place. Personally I’d be fine with a couple hundred less Irish bars in Washington, DC. Having said that I’ll get into this.
We stopped into what I can only describe as a dimly lit cavern. I know that I’ve described other places as caves but the further you walk into Fado the more you feel like you are going spelunking. It really does remind one of of a cavern. The first thing that I noticed was the lack of lighting. Did they forget to pay their electric bill? I’m not sure what they hope to accomplish with the lack of lighting but it does a disservice to their patrons. No one wants to be the person leaving with what they thought was some hot one-night action, only to step outside and realize that they just picked up Vera. Fado is dominated by the bar in the center. Even with this huge bar it is easier to flag a yellow cab in Machu Picchu than it is to get a drink in this place. The establishment is usually packed to the gills. The beer selection sucks ass. You will not find anything tasty or exceptional on their menu. A beer will run you between $5 to $7 dollars and a rail drink will cost you about $7. I’m not sure what to make of the clientele. It seems to range from early 20-somethings to middle-age dad-type guys and beyond. This is one aspect of the place that I like. I love a bar with this much diversity. We stayed here for exactly one drink before running for the hills. This place is not my cup of tea.
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